[Education] [Additional Courses] [Publications] [Conference Presentations] [Grants and Scholarships]
[Professional Experience] [Professional Affiliation]
Ph.D. (2007)
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Sociology.
Thesis: Effects of Socio-Political Systems and Economic Development on Status Attainment. Former Socialist Central and Eastern European Countries in Comparison to Western Capitalist Countries.
Chair: Glenn Firebaugh.
Committee: Glenn Firebaugh, Duane Alwin, George Farkas, Michael Bernhard.
Major field: Social Stratification.
Minor field: Quantitative Methodology.
M.A. (2003)
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Sociology.
Thesis: Social Structure in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe.
Chair: Glenn Firebaugh.
M.A. (2001)
Central European University, Department of Sociology.
Thesis: Overlapping Social Structure and Ethnicity.
Chair: Henryk Domanski.
B.A. (2000)
University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology.
Thesis: National Identity and National Self-Representations.
Chair: Septimiu Chelcea.
Additional Courses
Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona.
RECSM Winter Methods School. February 17th – 19th, March 1st – 3rd. Courses: Experiments in the Study of Public Opinion, Causal Inference with observational data: Dealing with unobserved variables and reverse causality.
National University of Singapore, Singapore.
7th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods. July 2nd – 6th. Courses: Multilevel/Hierarchical Modeling.
University of Essex, Colchester.
44th Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis. July 25th - August 12th. Courses: Latent Class Analysis, Advanced Structural Equation Modeling with MPlus.
39th Spring Seminar. “Testing and Modeling with Latent Variables”. March 1st - 12th. Courses: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling with the Program Amos, Generalized Linear Latent and Mixed Models.
38th Spring Seminar. “Visualization of Complex Data Structures”. March 2nd – 20th. Courses: Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods - Geometric Data Analysis, Nonlinear Multivariate Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling, Visualizing Categorical Data with SAS and R.
European Social Survey, GESIS, Mannheim.
4th ESS Train. “Comparability of Survey Data Across Countries and Time”. November 10th – 11th.
5th ESS Train. “Structural Equation Modeling for Cross-Cultural Research with the Program AMOS”. November 12th – 13th.
ICPSR and University of Michigan.
Summer Training Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research.
Courses: Regression Analysis, Game Theory, Scaling and Dimensional Analysis.
University of Bucharest and Soros Foundation for an Open Society.
Winter Training Program in Statistical Methods.
Books and Edited Collections
P.A. Tufiș and D.F. Alwin. 2015. Special Issue Guest Editor on “Current Views on Social Class, Status, and Mobility”. International Review of Social Research, 5 (1).
Tufiș, P. A. 2012. Status Attainment: Predictable Patterns or Trendless Fluctuation? Iași: Institutul European.
Book Chapters
P.A. Tufiş. 2011. Structură, stratificare și mobilitate socială [Social Structure, Stratification, and Mobility]. Pp. 294-336 in Sociologie [Sociology], edited by L. Vlăsceanu. Iași: Polirom.
P. A. Tufiş. 2007. Statut Social şi Valori Parentale în Socializarea Copiilor [Social Status and Child-Rearing Values]. Pp. 205-241 in Valori ale românilor: 1993 – 2006. O perspectivă sociologică [The Values of Romanians: 1993 – 2006. A Sociological Perspective], edited by B. Voicu and M. Voicu. Iaşi: Institutul European. Reprinted in English in 2008.
P. Sandu and C. Tufiş. 2000. Biertan. În căutarea viitorului [Biertan: Looking for the Future]. In Diagnoza problemelor social comunitare. Studii de caz [The Diagnosis of Community Social Problems. Case Studies], edited by E. Zamfir and M. Preda. Bucureşti: Expert.
Journal Articles
P.A. Tufiș, D.F. Alwin, and D. N. Ramírez (2023), A Catch-22 — the Test-Retest Method of Reliability Estimation. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.
P.A. Tufiș and D. Sandu (2023), Motivation in the Dynamics of European Youth Migration. European Societies
D.F. Alwin and P.A. Tufiș (2021), Class and Conformity: Thirty Years of Adult Child‐rearing Values in the U.S. Sociological Forum 36 (2): 315-337.
K.S. Lee, P.A. Tufiș, and D.F. Alwin. 2018. The Cultural Divide and Changing Beliefs about Gender in the United States, 1974-2010. Sex Roles 79(7-8), 393-408.
D.F. Alwin and P.A. Tufiș. 2016. The Changing Dynamics of Class and Culture in American Politics. A Test of the Polarization Hypothesis. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 663(1), 229-269.
P.A. Tufiș and D.F. Alwin. 2015. Current Views on Social Class, Status, and Mobility - Guest Editor's Foreword. International Review of Social Research, 5 (1): 1-3.
M. Voicu and P.A. Tufiş. 2012. Trends in Gender Beliefs in Romania:1993-2008. Current Sociology, 60 (1): 61-80.
P.A. Tufiş. 2010. Status Attainment in the Post-Communist Transition in Central and Eastern Europe. Calitatea Vieţii, 22 (3 - 4): 321-350.
K.S. Lee, P.A. Tufiș, and D.F. Alwin. 2010. Separate Spheres or Increasing Equality? Changing Gender Beliefs in Postwar Japan. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72 (1): 184-201.
P.A. Tufiş. 2008. Predictors of School Success in Romania. Family Background, School Factors, and Community Factors. Calitatea Vieţii, 19 (3 - 4): 389-405.
P.L. Morgan, G. Farkas, P.A. Tufiş, and R.A. Sperling. 2008. Are Reading and Behavior Problems Risk Factors for Each Other? Journal of Learning Disabilities, 41 (5): 417-436.
K.S. Lee, D.F. Alwin, and P.A. Tufiş. 2007. Beliefs about Women’s Labour in the Reunified Germany, 1991 to 2004. European Sociological Review, 23 (4): 487-503.
D.F. Alwin, J.L. Felson, E.T. Walker and P.A. Tufis. 2006. Measuring Religious Identities in Surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly, 70 (4): 530-564.
R. Schoen and P. Tufis. 2003. Precursors of Nonmarital Fertility in the United States. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65 (4): 1030-1040.
P. Tufiş. 2001. Structură socială şi etnicitate. Sociologie Românească, 3 (1-4): 97-123.
P. Sandu. 1998. Aspecte moderne şi tradiţionale în nachbarschafts. Revista Română de Sociologie, 9 (1-6).
Research Reports
Dumitru Sandu, Paula Tufiș, Mădălina Manoilă, Alexandra Deliu, Alin Croitoru, and Monica Șerban 2023. Brief on the LHDI (Local Human Development Index) Method, Re-Place project, Bucharest, ICCV.
Alexandra Deliu, Mădălina Manea, Monica Şerban, and Paula Tufiş. 2018. Report on the economic integration of return migrants, Romania, TEMPER project, Bucharest, University of Bucharest.
P. Tufiș. 2017. YMOBILITY Panel Survey, Romania, YMOBILITY project, Bucharest, University of Bucharest.
P. Tufiș and D. Sandu. 2017. Migration Intentions – Interpretation of Quantitative Data Analysis, Romania, YMOBILITY project, Bucharest, University of Bucharest.
P. Tufiș. 2017. Social Inclusion Issues – Interpretation of Quantitative Data Analysis, Romania, YMOBILITY project, Bucharest, University of Bucharest.
P. Tufiș. 2017. Quality of Life – Interpretation of Quantitative Data Analysis, Romania, YMOBILITY project, Bucharest, University of Bucharest.
P. Tufiș. 2017. Human Capital – Interpretation of Quantitative Data Analysis, Romania, YMOBILITY project, Bucharest, University of Bucharest.
A. Croitoru, F.Mihalache, E.Tudor and P.Tufiș. 2015. Temporary Versus Permanent Migration. International Students and Academics’ Flows. Inventory Report, TEMPER project, Bucharest, University of Bucharest.
P. Tufiş. 2014. Political Economy of Redistribution, Transfers, and Taxes in ECA. Additional Analysis on Typology of Public Perceptions and Social Compacts. World Bank.
D.Sandu and P.Tufiș. 2014. Local Human Development Index for Romanian Communities: Methodology, Testing, and Results. World Bank.
P. Tufiş. 2009. Pregătirea pentru intrarea pe piața muncii [Preparedness When Entering the Labor Market] and Utilitatea obținerii unei diplome [Usefulness of Getting a Degree]. In B. Voicu, C. Tufiş, and P. Tufiş. 2009. Adaptarea activă a educației universitare la cerințele pieței muncii [Active Adaptation of Tertiary Education to Labor Market Demands]. Mott MacDonald, Educația 2000+ Consulting, Centrul Educația 2000+.
P.A. Tufiş. 2009. Traiectorii ocupaţionale [Occupational Trajectories]. In Comunități româneşti în Spania [Romanian Communities in Spain], edited by D. Sandu. Soros Foundation Romania.
P.A. Tufiş. 2008. Creşterea copiilor. Efecte ale caracteristicilor familiei [Child Rearing. Effects of Family Characteristics]. In Viaţa de familie - 2008 [Family Life - 2008]. Soros Foundation Romania.
P.A. Tufiş. 2008. Influenţa plecării părinţilor în străinătate asupra rezultatelor şcolare [The Effect of Parents’ Work Migration on Children’s Academic Performance]. In Efectele migraţiei: copiii rămaşi acasă. Riscuri şi soluţii [The Effects of Migration: Children Left at Home. Risks and Solutions]. Soros Foundation Romania.
Conference Presentations
M. Manoilă, M. Șerban, and P.A. Tufiș. 2023. To leave again? Comparing re-migration and first migration intentions to understand repeated mobility. The 4th conference of the Romanian Network of Migration Studies (RoMig). Bucharest, Romania, September.
P.A. Tufiș, G. Farkas, and M. Manea. 2019. The Educational Achievement Gap for Children of Migrants in Europe: Determinants and Implications for Social Inclusion. Invited talk at the Center for Demographic and Social Analysis, University of California, Irvine, May.
M. Șerban, P.A. Tufiș, and M. Manea. 2019. Comparing intentions for first migration and re-migration. Insights from Romanian case. FP7 TEMPER Survey Conference. Measurement, causes, and impacts of return and circulation. Madrid, April.
P.A. Tufiș and M. Manea. 2019. Doing Well in School: Immigrant Children in Europe. Invited Talk at the Population Research Institute and the Center for Life Course and Longitudinal Studies, Pennsylvania State University, March.
P.A. Tufiș. 2018. Implications of ignoring immigrant status for studies of labor market outcomes: A sensitivity analysis on omitting variables in different national contexts. 2nd Annual Conference of the Romanian Network for Migration Studies. Timișoara, Romania, September.
P.A. Tufiș, M. Șerban, and M. Manea. 2017. Under What Conditions Do Immigrant Children Do Well in School?. 1st Annual Conference of the Romanian Network for Migration Studies. Cluj, Romania, September.
P.A. Tufiș, M. Șerban, and M. Manea. 2017. Under What Conditions Do Immigrant Children Do Well in School?. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association. Athens, Greece, August-September.
P.A. Tufiș, M. Șerban, and M. Manea. 2016. Academic Achievement of Immigrant Children. Individual-Level Sources of Success: the Self, Parents, and Friends. The 4th International Conference of the Romanian Sociological Society. Sibiu, Romania, September-October.
P.A. Tufiș, M. Șerban, and M. Manea. 2016. Academic Achievement of Immigrant Children. Individual-Level Sources of Success: the Self, Parents, and Friends. The 33rd International Geographical Congress. Beijing, China, August.
P.A. Tufiș and C. Brăgaru. 2016. Education in the Intergenerational Transfer of Advantage and Disadvantage. Cross-National Comparisons of the Mediation Role of Education in Status Attainment. International Sociological Association RC 28 (Social Stratification and Mobility) Meeting. Singapore, May.
P.A. Tufiș and M. Șerban. 2015. Migrant Parents and School Achievement of Left Behind Children. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association. Prague, Czech Republic, August.
D.F. Alwin, K. Sherman-Wilkins, and P.A. Tufiș. 2015. Changing Attitudes toward Same-Sex Marriage in the United States – 1988 to 2014. 70th Annual meetings of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. Hollywood, FL, May.
P.A. Tufiș and M. Șerban. 2014. Children with parents abroad: school performance. The Annual Conference of the Sociology and Social Work Department of the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu. Sibiu, Romania, October.
K. Schultz Lee, P.A. Tufiș, and D.F. Alwin. 2013. Regional Heterogeneity and the Polarization of Gender Beliefs. ASA Annual Meeting. New York, NY. August.
P.A. Tufiș. 2013. Varieties of Status Attainment. ASA Annual Meeting. New York, NY. August.
D.F. Alwin, B. Beattie, P.A. Tufiș, E. Powell, and L. Hannah. 2013. Class versus Religion in Changing Conceptions of Child-Rearing in the US. ASA Annual Meeting. New York, NY. August.
D.F. Alwin, P.A. Tufiș and K.S. Lee. 2013. Changes in Gender Beliefs in the U.S. from 1977 to 2010: Results from the General Social Surveys. AAPOR Annual Meeting. Boston MA, May.
D.F. Alwin and P.A. Tufiș. 2011. The Changing Dynamics of Class and Culture in American Politics: A Test of the ‘Kansas Hypothesis’. Hauser Festschrift Conference. Stanford University. Palo Alto CA, November.
P.A. Tufiș. 2011. Status Attainment Patterns in European Societies. The Fourth Conference of the European Survey Research Association. Lausanne, Switzerland, July.
V. Grigoraș, I.A. Rusu, M. Șerban and P.A. Tufiș. 2011. Surveying Romanian Migrants in Madrid Area. The Fourth Conference of the European Survey Research Association. Lausanne, Switzerland, July.
D.F. Alwin and P.A. Tufiș. 2011. What’s the Matter with Wisconsin? Class versus Culture in American Politics. Living in a High-Inequality Regime: Papers inspired by the work of Robert M. and Taissa S. Hauser. Madison WI, May.
P.A. Tufiș. 2011. The influence of regional human capital on status attainment processes. The Annual Conference of the Sociology and Social Work Faculty, University of Bucharest. Bucharest, Romania, May.
P.A. Tufiș and D. Sandu. 2010. The Occupational Mobility of Romanian Immigrants in Spain. The Annual Conference of the Sociology and Social Work Department of the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu. Sibiu, Romania, October.
K.S. Lee, P.A. Tufiş, and D.F. Alwin. 2010. A Stalled Revolution? Place, Time, and Social Change in Beliefs about Gender. Definitions and Constructions of Aging Roundtable, Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association. Atlanta GA, August.
P.A. Tufiș. 2010. Occupational Trajectories of Romanians in Spain. ICCV & ARS Conference: Romania after 20 years: changes and social problems. Bucharest, Romania, February.
M. Voicu and P.A. Tufiș. 2010. Value Change in Romania. EVS Workshop after the 2008 wave. GESIS. Köln, Germany, January.
M. Voicu and P.A. Tufiş. 2009. Trends in Gender Beliefs in Romania: 1993 - 2008. The Third Conference of the European Survey Research Association. Warsaw, Poland, June - July.
D.F. Alwin, P.A. Tufiş, and K.S. Lee. 2008. Religion and Secular Change in Gender Beliefs in the U.S.: 1977 to 2006. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association. Boston MA, July.
K.S.Lee, P.A. Tufiş, and D.F. Alwin. 2008. Gender in the 90s: Change in Beliefs about Gender in the U.S. Annual meetings of the Population Association of America. New Orleans LA, April.
K.S. Lee, P.A. Tufiş, and D.F. Alwin. 2007. Gender Beliefs in Japan: An Examination of Change from 1994 to 2002. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association. New York NY, August.
D.F. Alwin, L.A. Wray, P.A. Tufiş, R.J. McCammon, and W.L. Rodgers. 2007. Sex Differences in Cognitive Aging: Results from the Health and Retirement Study. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association. New York NY, August.
K.S. Lee, D.F. Alwin, and P. Tufiş. 2007. Gender Beliefs in Japan: Processes of Change among Women and Men. Poster Presentation. Annual meetings of the Population Association of America. New York NY, March.
D.F. Alwin, K.S. Lee, and P.A. Tufiş. 2006. Beliefs about Women’s Labor in the Reunified Germany, 1991 to 2004. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. Montreal, Canada, August.
P.L. Morgan, G. Farkas, P. Tufiş, and R.A. Sperling. 2006. Do Reading Problems Cause Behavior Problems? Evidence from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten, 1998 – 1999. Annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco CA, April.
D.F. Alwin, R.J. McCammon, L.A, Wray, W.R. Rodgers, and P. Tufiş. 2004. Sex Differences in Patterns of Cognitive Aging. Annual meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, November.
R. Schoen, S.H. Jonsson, and P. Tufiş. 2004. A Population with Continually Declining Mortality. Annual meetings of the Population Association of America. Boston MA, April.
P. Tufiş. 2004. The Balance between Achieved and Ascribed Inequality: Comparison between Eastern Europe and the United States. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco CA, August.
D.F. Alwin, J.L. Felson, E.T Walker, and P. Tufiş. 2004. Religious Identities, Beliefs and Behavior in Contemporary American Society. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco CA, August.
R. Schoen and P. Tufiş. 2002. Precursors of Nonmarital Fertility in the United States. XVth ISA World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia, July 7-13.
P. Sandu. 1999. A Village as Means of Interaction. Conference of the Society of Sociology Students – University of Bucharest, May.
P. Sandu. 1998. Modernity in the Institution of Nachbarschaft. Conference of the Society of Sociology Students – University of Bucharest, January.
P. Sandu. 1997. An Analysis of Rites of Passage. Conference of the Society of Sociology Students – University of Bucharest, May.
Grants and Scholarships
2019. Fulbright Senior Postdoctoral Program, University of California, Irvine.
2014. Research Visit to EUROLAB, GESIS, Cologne, Germany (January 26th - February 8th).
2005. Global Supplementary Grant. Open Society Institute – New York.
2001. Global Supplementary Grant. Open Society Institute – New York.
2001 – 2007. Assistantship. Pennsylvania State University, Department of Sociology.
2000 – 2001. Fellowship. Central European University, Department of Sociology and Soros Foundation Romania.
1998. Scholarship for Summer Training Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. Soros Foundation for an Open Society.
1997. Scholarship for Winter Training Program in Statistical Methods. Soros Foundation for an Open Society.
Professional Experience
October 2013 - present. Associate Professor. University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Romania.
October 2012 - September 2013. Assistant Professor. University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Romania.
February 2008 - October 2012. Principal Research Fellow III. Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romania.
2007 - January 2008. Research Fellow. Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romania.
2003 – 2007. Research Assistant – Dr. Duane Alwin. Pennsylvania State University.
2001 – 2003. Research Assistant – Dr. Robert Schoen. Pennsylvania State University.
1998 – 2000. Research Assistant. Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romania.
Teaching Experience
Fall 2021 - present. Social Stratification and Mobility. BA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Fall 2019 - present. Public Opinion Polls. MA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Fall 2013 - present. Causal Modeling. MA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Fall 2013 - present. Social Stratification and Mobility. MA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Fall 2012 - present. Advanced Sociological Research (co-lecturer). MA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Spring 2015. Social Stratification. BA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Spring 2015. Statistics. MA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Spring 2012. Analysis of Causal Relationships. MA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Spring 2012. Quantitative Research. MA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Spring 2010, 2011. Quantitative Research (co-lecturer). MA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Spring 2008, 2009, Fall 2010. The Sociological Analysis of Social Data. MA level, University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology and Social Work.
Spring 2004, 2005, 2006. Instructor – Statistics Lab. Structural Equation Modeling Using AMOS (SOC 596/ CLJ 596). Pennsylvania State University.
Research Grants
2023 - 2025. Team member for the project Reframing Non-Metropolitan Left Behind Places through Mobility and Alternative Development (RE-PLACE), Grant HORIZON Europe, A sustainable future for Europe, coordinated by Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
2021 - 2022. Research associate for the project The Reliability of Survey Data: The Effects of Question Content, Context and Form, grant SES-1850852, coordinated by Duane Alwin, Pennsylvania State University and the University of Michigan.
Team member for the project Youth Mobility: Maximizing Opportunities for Individuals, Labour Markets and Regions in Europe (YMOBILITY). Grant Horizon 2020, Research and Innovation Framework Programme, coordinated by Sapienza University of Rome (UNIROMA), Italy.
2015 - 2018. Team member for the project Youth Mobility: Maximizing Opportunities for Individuals, Labour Markets and Regions in Europe (YMOBILITY). Grant Horizon 2020, Research and Innovation Framework Programme, coordinated by Sapienza University of Rome (UNIROMA), Italy.
2014 – 2018. Team member for the project Temporary Versus Permanent Migration (TEMPER). Grant FP7, Addressing European Governance of Temporary Migration and Mobility to Europe, coordinated by Amparo González Ferrer, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
2010 – 2012. Grant for the project International Comparisons of Status Attainment Processes Over Time. Grant PNII-RU PD176/2010 of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNCSIS).
2011. Research assistant for the project Latent Growth Curve Models of Cognitive Aging, Grant 5 R01AG021203-06, coordinated by Duane Alwin. National Institute on Aging and Pennsylvania State University, Department of Sociology.
2010. Grant for the project The Influence of Social Status on Child Rearing Values. Grant FP6, Structuring the European Research Area - Research Infrastructure Action. ZA - EUROLAB, GESIS.
2009. Grant for the project Status Attainment and Social Mobility. Grant FP6, Structuring the European Research Area - Research Infrastructure Action. ZA - EUROLAB, GESIS.
2008, 2010 – 2011. Team member for the project Class Structure and Social Stratification in Present-Day Romania. Implications for Public Policies, Cultural and Political Marketing. Grant No. 92, contract No. 131/20.11.2008 of the National Center for Management of Programs (CNMP), coordinated by Lazăr Vlăsceanu (University of Bucharest).
2008 – 2011. Team member for the project Development of Community Capital in Romania. Grant ID-2068/2009 of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNCSIS), coordinated by Dumitru Sandu (University of Bucharest).
2007 - 2010. Team member for the project Social Change across European Societies: Social Transformations, Human Development, and Symbolic Capital. Grant ID-56/2007 of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNCSIS), coordinated by Bogdan Voicu (ICCV).
1999 – present. Member of the Romanian team of European Values Survey project.
2007. Team member for the project Values and social development – Romania in European Context, CNCSIS grant 102/2006, coordinated by Bogdan Voicu.
2003 – 2007. Research assistant for the project Aging and the Reliability of Survey Data, grant 1 R01 AG020673-01A1, coordinated by Duane Alwin. National Institute on Aging and Pennsylvania State University, Department of Sociology.
2003 – 2005. Research assistant for the project Latent Growth Curve Models of Cognitive Aging, grant 1 R01 AG021203-01, coordinated by Duane Alwin. National Institute on Aging and Pennsylvania State University, Department of Sociology.
1999. Team member for the project Human capital and regional development. Grant of the National Council for University Scientific Research coordinated by Dumitru Sandu (University of Bucharest).
1999. Team member for the project Social Perceptions of Social Policy: Legitimacy and Political Sustenability. Grant 49 of the National Council for University Scientific Research coordinated by Marian Preda (ICCV).
1999. Team member for the project Poverty in Romania. Grant 106/1998-1999 of the National Council for University Scientific Research coordinated by Cătălin Zamfir (ICCV).
1997. Team member for the project Traditionalism and Modernity. Grant of the National Council for University Scientific Research coordinated by Dumitru Sandu (University of Bucharest).
2013. Consultant for the project Romanian Regional Development RAS Program - Project Selection, project coordinated by Marcel Ionescu-Heroiu.
2013. Consultant for the project Political Economy of Redistribution, Transfers, and Taxes, project coordinated by Aylin Isik-Dikmelik.
2009. Expert for the project Active Adaptation of Tertiary Education to Labor Market Demands. PHARE 206/018-147.05.01 - Quality Education for Labor Market.
2008 – 2009. Team member for the project Romanian Communities in Spain, project coordinated by Dumitru Sandu. Soros Foundation Romania.
2008. Team member for the project Family Life - 2008. Soros Foundation Romania.
December 2007 – February 2008. Thematic expert for the project Economic Statistics Development – Romania. Grant financed by the European Union through the PHARE program – PHARE/2005/017-553.03.07.02 (CERME).
2007. Team member for the project The Effects of Migration: children left at home. Risks and Solutions. Soros Foundation Romania.
2006. Team member for the project Understanding of the Romanian Society Values, with Emphasis on the Middle Class, project coordinated by Bogdan Voicu. Renault, France.
1999. Team member for the project Preserving Cultural Heritage. Saxon Villages. Romania, project coordinated by Manuela Stănculescu. World Bank.
1999. Team member for the project Public Opinion Poll. Coordinated by Cătălin Zamfir and Mălina Voicu (conducted at the request of the Democratic Party).
Professional Affiliation
Membership in Professional Associations
2015 – 2020. European Sociological Association.
2012 – 2016. American Sociological Association.
2012 – 2016. International Sociological Association.
2009, 2011 – 2016. European Survey Research Association.
2009 – present. Societatea Sociologilor din România.
Occasional Reviewer For
Survey Research Methods
Gender and Society
International Review of Social Research
Social Forces
American Sociological Review
Journal of Social Research and Policy
Studia Sociologia
Calitatea Vieții
Membership in Scientific Committees
2017 - 2021. Work Group Co-Leader in COST Action CA16111 “International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data Network”.
Language Skills
Romanian – native language.
English – fluent.
Chinese – intermediate (HSK 5).
Technical Skills
Regression analysis.
Structural equation modeling.
Latent growth curve models.
Piecewise growth models.
Hierarchical linear models.
Multiple imputation for missing data.
Computer Skills
Statistical software: SPSS, Stata, AMOS, Mplus, HLM, Iveware.